Protein Bars are Healthy: Truth or Hype

2 min readApr 29, 2021

Who says avoiding junk food and transitioning to a healthier diet is simple? It’s impossible to say no to fast food, chocolates, and candies. So, what are our options? Have you given up? No, we pick the best alternatives to satisfy our hunger while still keeping us safe.

Although, finding these alternatives is not that easy a task. Of Course, I am talking about the tasty and healthy Protein Bars here.

Protein bars have become a common substitute for sugary chocolates and candies. These bars are usually made up of natural ingredients including bananas, cereal, oatmeal, dried fruits, and other high-protein and high-fibre foods. There are a lot of differences between a protein bar and normal chocolate but the biggest one has to be the ingredients used in making them (obviously they are made from healthy ingredients). However, some protein bars are high in sugar and contain unhealthy sweeteners like corn syrup, which can cause fatty liver, diabetes, and obesity. As a result, it’s important to review the bar’s label to ensure that it contains the right amount of nutrients for your body.

Energy and Protein Bars can be added to your diet routine as a snack or even as a fast meal replacement. In terms of protein content, some bars have 10–20g of protein per bar, while others have about 30g of protein per bar. So it is of prime importance that you choose the right one.

A decent, protein-rich, well-prepared meal, without a doubt, leads us to a healthier lifestyle. However, for those with a busy and active life, preparing an entire meal, carrying it, and reheating it becomes difficult. Now, we have protein bars that are both lightweight and easy, as well as a snack that contains all of the nutrients your body needs.

Now, a question might arise in your mind: “How to choose the right protein bar?”

Well, I can’t exactly answer this question as you might have to go through all the ingredients and trust them for being true. What I can do for you is research!!

So… I dug the internet and concluded that one such protein bar which might be able to fulfil the needs of almost everyone is Rine bars (check them out here: ). Whatever you end up choosing, make sure you get what you pay for.

Before ending this, let’s check out some advantages or shall we call them usage of the protein bars. I mean, you should know why you need to have them…right?

Weight Loss

Workout support

Mid Meal Snack

Energy Supply

Meal Replacement

These are just a few. There may be many more cases in which these are useful but you got the picture, right?

Hope this helps you :)

